Thursday, November 04, 2004

a solid start

George Bush just held his first press conference since the election. My first impression: if he'd been this confident and articulate during the debates, he'd have won by ten points.

He was, to put it mildly, sensational. Instead of the awkward, wary Bush we're so used to seeing, W seemed relaxed, comfortable... and completely in charge. In fact, for the first time that I can recall, he seemed to be enjoying it. (And remember: for this President, giving a news conference is like Michael Moore attending a meeting of Pentacostals. 90% of the people asking him questions would probably agree with this headline from a London tabloid this morning: "How can 59 million people be so dumb?")

And talk about a ballsy, big-swinging-dick agenda. Lots of candidates have talked about taking on Social Security. Bush is actually gonna do it, and now, without having to worry about getting re-elected, he can afford to step on some toes with those big old cowboy boots. Crunch.


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