Monday, November 01, 2004

halloween blues

I have counted up all the people I know, and made a list of who is going to vote for who. The final tally:


All in all, pretty depressing. I even heard from my grandson, dressed as an octopus, when we went trick-or-treating tonight. At one point during our rounds he looked up at me, his tentacles bouncing up and down, and said, sorrowfully, "Don't vote for Bush."

"Why not?"
"Because he's bad."
"Who says?"

Everyone? My God, has it come to this?

Later, over mulled cider, my son, an extremely thoughtful young man who admires Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan and doesn't think school vouchers will mean the End of Civilization As We Know It, informs me that he, too, has gone over to The Dark Side... joining his sister, his mother, all his in-laws... and 47 of my friends, and Tucker Carlson, and Christopher Hitchins, and millions of other bewitched souls who just don't seem to get it.

Then again, maybe it's me who doesn't get it.


Blogger Joshua Gray said...

Perhaps neither the Bush Bozos get it nor the Kerry Complainers, but think about this one: Perhaps it's not the overall Bush policies and ideas that prevented your thoughtful son from voting for Bush, but Bush's overall failure in his leadership. Sure, Kerry may not be able to lead matchsticks up his ass, but doesn't he deserves a shot at leading the country, something Bush has failed to do?

While Bush was right to have the attitude that OBL et al were a direct threat to the country, he should have tried to change the laws of the Geneva Convention to include organized terrorists before he acted against them. Shouldn't we teach our children to change the laws, not break them?

11:27 PM  

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